I cant download this play this game with out my debit card? My iPhone requires it. Crazy I dont plan to buy anything.
I cant download this play this game with out my debit card? My iPhone requires it. Crazy I dont plan to buy anything.
I love this game, but I pretty much unlocked everything... Need more challenges to complete!
How do u go online?!?!i cant find out how!!!!!someone help me!!!
The only thing is I wish there was hints but I hate how when you have to find a friend you have to be logged into Facebook. Its great for the people who have Facebook but bad for the people that dont have Facebook and I really dont like that because I wish I could see my friends tunnels but I cant because I dont have Facebook neither does she
This is a really good game and I love it❤ its so fun to play and the bunnies are so cute❤but theres a few things that could be changed the bunnies take a really long time to breed and also it would be nice if you could add friends by user name then I could actually get some friends
All though its suppose to be like animal jam it has breeding and I think thats ok but still I mean come on thats supporting aj mating right there thats messed up animal jam do something about that plz before someone gets bad ideas or else youll be in big trouble
The greatest game by AJ! I love seeing Peck here and there. One thing to add..... Not having to have facebook to have Friends!
Its great
I love this game, but Im scared because there a glitch in my game where my bunnies get put in my inventory when I dont do anything. Thats creepy. And sometimes they duplicate. And when I start playing the game it says "Tunnel Town has encountered an error. Please tap OK to reload you save file". That also creeps me out. Sometimes when I reload the game and i already took the bunny out from my inventory it disappears. Plz fix this its super creepy and makes me worried that all my long, hard work will vanish. I dont wanna use up all my money and I DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT want to lose my seafoam bunny. Thats the bunny that made me discover the glitch. And its my favorite one. Plz fix I dont wanna lose my bunnies :( EDIT: I started a new game, its gone now. Im at the same level and it hasnt happened since.
I do not know how to get out of my tunnel I tried to get out of my tunnel but I could Not fix that now or I will give you a0 ⭐️
I have been playing this for like 3 hours in my bed! I cnat stop!
This is a great game. I absolutely love the cactus bunny. I also think the big sapphire is cool. I
I love this app I play it l the time!! But I have one suggestion, in already at 30/30 bunnies and I have a lot of bunnies in my inventory can you please take this suggestion and make it real! I would love it if you added more bunnies so I can play with all my bunnies at the same time. I was thinking that if it was possible, to please add 50 or more bunnies I can have. I would greatly appreciate that!!! Thanks for reading!
I love tunnel town and animal jam and all that but there is one thing i dont like. The amount of bunnies you can have out at a time (only 30) you think that would be enogh but i like to breed every bunny and keep one of each so i woild like 100slots if possiable. There is some other things that i would like to see but i dont care as much about as the bunny slots. Like clothes, jobs, personallitys, mining for stars, and soo much more I love the game and if you add more bunny slots and maybe some other cool thing i recomend it highly!
I seriously love this game so much. I play this game all the time. I just get annoyed when I lose my process. I connected my account to Facebook but it wouldnt load. It would say "Warning" and I am confused.. I hate to start over!
Well I love the game one problem is a error
This game is awesome. I mean theres no bugs, the bunnies are adorable, and I love how the game is so creative. I have always wanted to be a home designer and now, I can
My favorite game ever, or super cute and I love all the bunnies and all the equality within them
It is hard to get food,and level them up. The bunnys area little hard to see.
Amazing! I wonder every time i play this game how the bunnies can be so cute! And i LOVE bunnies so much <3