Im only at level 9 :3 but this game so far is really Good great job!
Im only at level 9 :3 but this game so far is really Good great job!
I got this game when I was 10 and did not like it the best but now Im 12 and I cant stop playing it!
i love this game my fav game its the closest I have to a warrior cats simulater so thanks!!!!!! :D Also, longer names? Please? I need tgem
I dont know what happened but every time I try to open the app it wont load. Please look into this because I need to get back to my bunnies.
I love this game soooooooo much I LITERALLY play it all the time!!! Just a suggestion here: could you make it so you can visit your friends burrows without having Facebook? Im too little for Facebook and me and my friends wanna see each others burrows! Plz think about it btw I also have animal jam which I LOVE! Really like your animals games just saying!!
Last week i have knowed this App!THIS APP IS AMAZING!Why i know this app?I am on AJ (Animal Jam) my name on Animal Jam is jessiegtv:Buddy my ;)!Do you guys know it... I will repeat:this-game-is. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, i can buddy you! My Animal Jam username is superkirby13222.
I love the game. But now, whenever I open the app, it wont load. All i see is a tiny yellow smidge on the loading bar, and it stays there. For a long time. I waited. ;-;
I used to love this game. However here is a list of reasons why I dont really recommend it 1) too addictive- I wanted to breed my rabbits but they take forever to breed and I couldnt wait, so I started spending real life money on it (over $10) 2) glitches- it kinda glitches every now and then and that bugged me 3) I lost everything!- I got a new phone and started downloading all my apps. They were connected to the Game Center so most of them saved my progress... EXCEPT FOR TUNNEL TOWN!!!! I lost all my things on that app and $10 as well! I was so angry/upset that I just decided that I didnt want to have to restart and gave up on tunnel town All in all it had a few flaws but was fun before I got a new phone
Look...I was just playing and boom it froze! Then when I tried to get back on, I was at the beginning again! Its like one minute Im at level 6 and the next Im at 0! Please fix this!
I updated Tunnel Town and couldnt wait to use after such a long time! I was excited to get back to my bunnies and dig some dirt again! I clicked the app to get in, no problem. It showed me the Tunnel Town logo with a white background like it usually would. I was starting to get increasingly excited when.... It kicked me out. Repeatedly, I tried to get in and it did the same thing OVER AND OVER again. At this point I was losing my mind, frustrated and disappointed. The only thing keeping me sane was the thought that maybe the people who worked on the app could fix this. Please get to this soon! Love the game, but hate the update! Gave three stars.
Hey so this is like the best app ever I have a iPhone 5c and no problems at all I wake up every morning exited for a new baby bunny but I noticed that there are many kinds of bunnies that I find incredible but I was wondering if u could add a giraffe bunny its my favourite animal and I love them thanks for reading this
Dear makers of the game I have 10 Bennys But I can only put 5 Bennys in the game. Can you do this plz plz
I was wondering if you could add a dolphin bunny or a dog bunny cause those are my favorite animals. Thats all it is a great game. I play it every day. Thanks for reading.
This game is sooooooooooo awesomely cute! I have moon bunny and bunny of paradise e.t.c. There is 1 small prob: the fact that u get taken from Jamaa! Its sooooooooo sad
Just the best game Ive ever played. The bunnies are cute and I even made a big family. One random question though:Why do they hatch from eggs?!?
I was disappointed. When I tried to open the app it closed out of the app. I had this app before and it was working fine. I got bored of it then deleted and decided to re install it. It didnt work :( But luckily I have it on my phone and it is working fine.
The game itself is highly addicting and charming. It does have issues itself but what game doesnt. There is problems with restoring purchases. And while I do think that bunnies take a ridiculously long amount of time to breed and or hatch. While I do understand, that in most games, the harder they are to get ( rarer ), the longer it takes to breed. But even with simple bunnies it takes quite a long time. But, with that many reviews below me state the bugs this game has. I have host for this game. Best wishes.
I love the game, but we need an update. We need more bunnies. Rare kitty cat bunnies, puppy dog bunnies, and legendary kangaroo bunnies that the females carry their bred babies in pouches. That should be one part of the update. Another update should be lowering the prices of all these bunnies, cause boy, those rabbit prices sure are high. A third part of the update is less time of breeding. For common bunny breeding time is 10 mins, breeding time for rare bunnies is 15 mins, and legendary bunny breeding time is 26 mins. Last part is minor bug fixes and original bug fixes. Thank You!
If there was more stars this game would get billions of stars its so fun I woke up at six oclock before school to play tunnel town for the first time a literally JUMPED out of the bed