Its ok I guess,but not much to do bit dig mine and breed so Ill give ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars
Its ok I guess,but not much to do bit dig mine and breed so Ill give ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars
This game used to be one of my favorites. I was very successful and enjoyed playing it everyday. But one day, it updated and I couldnt play it anymore. I have an iPhone 3 so the iOS it requires isnt comparable sadly. To the creators of Tunnel Town, I ask that you release a new update that will allow an outdated phone to play. Every time I get in, it kicks me out over And over again.
I love this game. I just wish that we could customize our own bunnie
This was my favorite app on my phone so I was excited to find out it was available for my iPad. Downloading the app was fast and easy, getting in..not so much. I click the app and the logo with the background pops up. Not even seconds later it closes out. Re downloaded this app three times in hope I could get it to work. No luck. Please fix!!!!!!
I love tunnel town and I know ajhq has been really busy with animal jam. Last year ajhq put the Valentine update and it feels like this year they forgot. Please read this review ajhq and please update tunnel town thx -pokemon856
You should be able to stop the bunnies from breeding
This app is absolutely adorable!! I used to be a HUGE fan of Animal Jam but then as time went by I kind of abandoned it, but Tunnel Town never gets old! As a frequent writer, it has inspired me to create many stories! (Im not copying the storyline) Thank you AJHQ (or whoever) for updating Tunnel Town so often! I love it!
Hi Im kitten omg!! My mom deleted the game. WHERE IS MY STUFF????!!!?! RAWR!!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!! FIX THIS!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!! I WORKED SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!!! LEVEL 12!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so this game is terrific but I have a few suggestions: 1. Less ispensive items:srsly when you get to a certain level things become so ispensive like 25000 gems 2. More bunny spaces:there needs to more bunny spaces I should be able to put all my bunnies in the house 3. Energy:the bunnies run out of energy so fast and its Anoying when Im trying to dig 4. Wider areas: theres not enough room in one place it needs to be expanded But other than those things Id say this game rocks and the graphics are amazing keep up the good work!!!
Love this game!!! My friend and I got it today and were on level 10. Its cool!
The game just wont let me enter the game each time I enter it crashes even though I tap it 10 times already but still the same issues happens.
Its a great game, but everything at the market is WAY too expensive. Plus, I wanted wallpaper on my walls, its 50 gems to cover up a small space on the wall! But if you get this game,( I would if I were you) make sure to check out Pecks burrow.
Ok there is this that should stay and things that should be added or full on leave!
First, I had this game for 4 years!!!! Its so much fun and Im in love with my first 4 bunnies. The kids are now level 4 ( it wasnt intended for all those fours.) I miss when they where cute and OH SO TINY!!!!!!!! Can you make an option to make them level 1? Cause I dont want to sell my bunnies o get them back as new level 1. SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE THIS OPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whenever I play this game, it ends up crashing when I press the buy bunnies icon. Otherwise, this is almost as good as Animal Jam
I love tunnel town its just, whenever I play its ALWAYS NIGHTTIME. I mean really! Is there anyway to fix this bug?
I love the game. It is a lot of fun, except when I opened it yesterday the loading screen wouldnt load. Today,mI opened it again, but the same thing happened. Can you fix this please?
BEST GAME EVER. it may sound cheesy that I say it but is is quite fun.
Thing game is great but one thing I would recommend for them to do is to replace for the lion info instead of " growling seductively at their reflection" I would say growling romantically at their reflection because little kids still play this game and make the breeding time shorter one I waited 13 hours for a shark bunny I already have .-. NYEH other than that this game is bootiful
This game is great! This game is easy, fun, and has great variety.