I love this game, but Im scared because there a glitch in my game where my bunnies get put in my inventory when I dont do anything. Thats creepy. And sometimes they duplicate. And when I start playing the game it says "Tunnel Town has encountered an error. Please tap OK to reload you save file". That also creeps me out. Sometimes when I reload the game and i already took the bunny out from my inventory it disappears. Plz fix this its super creepy and makes me worried that all my long, hard work will vanish. I dont wanna use up all my money and I DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT want to lose my seafoam bunny. Thats the bunny that made me discover the glitch. And its my favorite one. Plz fix I dont wanna lose my bunnies :(
EDIT: I started a new game, its gone now. Im at the same level and it hasnt happened since.
JUST HOW, about Tunnel Town, v1.5.5