When I got the game I was REALY excited for it. Im like " hey its from AJ, witch is like my favourite online game on PC so Im gonna try it!" And it was quite fun at first. Then wait time got longer and longer and stuff cost lots that I stopped playing for a couple months. I still had it on my phone and decided to try to play again but it wouldnt stop CRASHING. Its been awhile since then and the bugs have been fixed but theres not much actually NEW stuff. I mean, it is new, but its just a couple bunnies with different patterns and some furniture that costs so much I have to save up for about a week. Add some mini games, chat system, maybe some kinda phantom adventure like in AJ, just do SOMETHING. Its an OK game but it could be a GREAT one if you put more effort. And I know its a long review but I needed to write this somewhere or I was gonna freak. You guys gotta get working. If some new content, something we havent seen before, doesnt come out in a couple months I may just quit the game... It was fun but it isnt now, please work on that. AJ user: kinclub
Cutiekittylover about Tunnel Town, v1.3.3